mmmv_raspbian_t3 home page

The mmmv_raspbian_t3 is a ~28GiB memory card image for Raspberry_Pi_1 compatible computers like the Raspberry_Pi_1_zero and Raspberry_Pi_3. The mmmv_raspbian_t3 is a successor of mmmv_raspbian_t2 and because probably hardly anybody cares to download or use either of them, the mmmv_raspbian_t3 is distributed through the mmmv_raspbian_t2 SourceForge project page. It can be aslo downloaded from a file sharing service, where the antibot password, FooBar3332 has to be typed in manually, NOT copy-pasted.

As of 2024_12_23 the mmmv_raspbian_t3 contains a crippled copy of the mmmv_userspace_distro_t1.

A link back to Martin Vahi technology page.